cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


back in beantown.

back in boston after a fantastic long weeked in austin. it was tough to leave. thanks to everyone who came to hang out with me. i drank SO much. my body is in detox mode right now.

saturday night at the ale house is still kind of a blur. but DUDE, we owned that bar. george and michael had their dance-off (must have been all the energy they got from eating the man cake) on the stage. but nobody can remember who won. that's my favorite part. describes my evening perfectly. i would start a conversation or a game of pool but get pulled away or just wander off before it ended. sorry if i left anyone hanging.

without sounding too sappy, i just want to make sure that my peeps know how blessed i am to have so many fantastic people that i can call my friends. i feel i'm among family when i'm in austin. melissa and joanna, thanks for keeping me sane when i needed it.

enough of that. hopefully next week will be the last week at my horrible hospital job. i applied to do some temp work at harvard and they asked me to come in next week and said they could probably hook me up almost immediately with a position. ROCK.

that could change everything for me here. working with intelligent young folk, much closer to home, maybe find some more drinking buddies, maybe even figure out how to get into the harvard darkroom. ahhh yeah.

6:19 pm - 19 february 2002


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