cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


mmmm, SPANISH.

oh david, you did it again. even better this time, i think.

julie and i caught the last of the monday shows at the cactus tonight and it was amazing. again.

this time i brought my camera. i won't bore you with all the slightly blurry pictures of the same scene. please, i know how it is.

BUT! i have to tell you that two of my favorite austin entertainers played together tonight. wammo showed up, put on his washboard and then pulled out his harmonica. i LOVED it.

this picture is actually weird and interesting. i think someone else used their flash at the same time my shutter was open. i got this weird half sharp, half blurry double face thing going on. i love it.

he just had his buddies come up on stage and play with him. he told stories and smiled that smile and he sang a song in spanish which you know KILLS ME. mmmm, spanish.

he did everything from a cover of "electric avenue" to "fallen angel", the best rendition i've heard of that song yet.

afterwards, i felt julie and i needed to somehow mark the occasion. we were both on campus in a building we had spent MANY an hour in but hadn't really been back to since we graduated. so we took this pic outside in front of the tower. cheesy, i know.


12:33 am - 03 February 2004


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