cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


random stuff

  • i went out to find ice on my car this morning and a little on the stairs down to the parking lot. normally this would make me ALL excited, ice in austin is out of the ordinary. but i didn't even notice it was weird until someone pointed it out later. that's what living in new england will do to you.
  • went to the courthouse TWICE today to try and pay a ticket. security there is crazy these days. every time you walk out a door you have to go through a metal detector/scanning station. i went to the ATM and had to go through security three times. not kidding. they took my wine opener while i was there and were a little skeptical of me. "you must drink a lot of wine, hmmm?"

    no sir, i wait tables. it's for my job. may i have it back now?

  • gearing up for valentine's day weekend at the restaurant. it's going to be insane. we're completely overbooked for 8 hours straight. i had better bank. also, maybe people will be like, "awww, you have to work on valentine's day" and throw an extra 10 on the table because they feel sorry for me. i'll take the pity tip. bring it on.
  • nothing incredibly exciting happening lately. except i hung out with joanna and jesse last night who i haven't seen in forever. and michael who i see all the time but not nearly enough for me. it was lovely. lots of espresso stout at lovejoy's and whiskey and cheeseburgers at casino. oh man. i'm still full.

3:44 pm - 13 February 2004


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