cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


blah blah blah

thursday afternoon ramblings:

  • i think i may be singlehandedly buying up all the rolls of wint-o-green lifesavers in the vending machine at my new day job. if there is one thing i can't resist, it's those damn little white mints. but only the wint-o-green. pep-o-mint can kiss my ass.
  • my mom called me around lunchtime today to see if i needed a "cubicle pep talk". moms just know. you know?

  • flourescent lighting does nothing for me.
  • the F key on my keyboard sticks and it's driving me crazy. shift is a word i seem to type often. i have to constantly make sure i'm not sending out emails about shits.
  • i have a cube, two computers, and absolutely no idea what i'm doing.
  • sitting in front of a computer with not much to do does NOT help my online shopping impulses. i found the kiehls site today. you can get three free samples with every order. you bet i bought me some tinted lip balm.
  • remember when weekends meant nothing to me? when every night was a weekend night? when i rarely went out on the actual weekend because it was so crowded because that's when all the 9-5 ers went out? yeah. that was nice. i can't freaking wait for the weekend now.
  • is it friday yet?

1:29 pm - 25 march 2004


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