cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



ok. it's done. i now have a big ass tattoo on the inside of my left arm. and it's badass. and it HURTS.

she worked on me for a good three hours and my arm is so sore. it didn't hurt that bad to get it done (maybe that's just because i'm a freak with an unusually high tolerance for pain) but it's throbbing now.

it's also so not what i expected. but i love it. it's bigger and more involved and more colorful than i imagined it would be. i showed up and my friend megan had it drawn up and i said, YES!

it was awesome to have someone that you know personally and hang out with regularly to be the one doing the tattooing. we went for coffee before, i got to pick out all the music we listened to, and we went for beers at casino afterward. (me with my arm wrapped in saran wrap. now that's HOT.)

i'm now officially a pirate.

ALSO! the latest in celebrity sightings. this is my favorite. it might even trump eric stoltz, i'm not sure.

last night at dinner, julie, melody, and i were leaving the restaurant and i glanced over and gael garcia bernal of y tu mama tambien and amorres perros was sitting in the booth. HOLY SHIT. he's so hot. he's on the top of my "list". you know the list you mentally make of celebrities you can sleep with even if you happen to be in relationship. it's stupid, i know, but we all have one.

admit it.

but how often do you actually think you'll ever see anyone on your list?

i freaked out. and ran out of the restaurant to privately freak out and stared at him through the huge windows.

wow. i'm still reeling from that one.

keep your eyes out, he's somewhere in austin right now.

and no, yimay, i didn't get close enough to smell him. but i'm sure he smells beautifully. he sure looked it.

11:11 am - 30 july 2004


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