cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


she's the massaginist.

i would like to sing the praises of the healing arts.

i've been in lots of pain lately. stress related, i assume. not knowing where your next paycheck is coming from will do that to you, i guess. also, it's probably from working in a restaurant, carrying trays and whatnot.

my shoulders and neck and arms have been so tense. i haven't been sleeping well because of it.

michael helped me sleep last night, he gave me this stuff called zheng gu shui linament that looks like monkey blood. (not REAL monkey blood. in my house growing up, when you had a cut, mom cleaned it with monkey blood. some sort of red antiseptic stuff. maybe it was iodine, i'm not sure.) anyways, this stuff instantly helped me relax my muscles. it smells like shit, though. i smelled it during the night and ended up having dreams about it. weird stuff.

but then tonight, joanna gave me a massage on her brand new massage table. mmmm, massage. she rubbed and pulled and dug around for over an hour. it felt amazing. i felt drunk afterwards.

i'm a new woman now. thanks, jo. anytime you want to practice that V hand move, let me know, i'm game.

12:36 am - 05 november 2002


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