cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


will work for beer

ok, here's the entry where i beg.

so, i'll be back in austin by the first of october. and i'll need a job pretty soon after.

i've been looking online but if you guys have any ideas of good secret job sites, pass them my way. also, if you could keep your eyes and ears open for anyplace that is hiring, that would be awesome, too.

i'm not looking for a dream career or anything right now. just money. i've got tons of office experience. i can administrate with the best of them and having weekends free is always a plus.

but probably ideally, i would be able to find a restaurant job so i could get back on my feet quickly while figuring out my next step. also, mixing up my schedule a little would be a nice change from the 8-5 i've been more or less doing for about 3 years straight.

i'm giving my notice at work today. UGH. and it's making me nervous about how i'm going to make money when i get to austin.

but i mean, who WOULDN'T want to hire me?

10:27 am - 26 august 2002


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