cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


start spreading the news. i'm leaving today.

i heart new york city.

got back last night from three nights staying with lori at her place in times square. started out with big plans for the weekend. we were going to try to get standby tickets to saturday night live with jack black and the strokes and jimmy fallon. i love him. we were going to get in line at 5am. but we were at the bar until 4, went to the deli for drunk food (and a drunk dial to george. i talked to george from three different delis at 4 in the morning.) and then went back to "take a nap" for an hour before heading out to rockefeller center. right. we all know how that turned out. you don't take "naps" at 4 am when you've been drinking whiskey. you pass out. no snl for us.

it snowed all day saturday and we headed out to walk the brooklyn bridge. let's see...snow, ice, bridge over water. GREAT idea. we had a couple close calls but kept our balance fairly well.

we partied hard three nights in a row. slept late, ate greasy food, and did it all over again. i like it. i'll definitely be going back soon. i found a great deal on a bus, 20 bucks each way, can't beat that. especially when chris (one of my favorites) moves there this summer. then i'll know almost as many people in new york as i do in boston. ha.

new york agrees with me.

(pictures coming soon.)

9:58 am - 22 january 2002


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