cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


random. random. random.

a few random observations about this new city i live in:

* the T is a perfect place to people watch. you're in close quarters with complete strangers and don't really have anywhere else to look. so you stare. and it's fine. it's one of the few places you can get away with this.

* the girls at work talk about who they met at "the club", what they wore to "the club". i know they're not all going to the same places. apparently it doesn't matter what the name of the actual club is, it's just "the club."

* despite being a good sized city, i see the same people over and over. it's weird how this works. i'll see the same people on the bus or the train on my way to and from work, but this is fairly normal. but lately, i've started running into people i met at a bar, a party, "the club" (heh), or just saw on the street. it's weird how familiar faces are popping up everywhere.

* driving here is FUN. you get to be super aggressive. make your own lanes, stick your nose out to make the other people stop and let you in.

* there is a harvard street, cambridge street, elm street, and broadway in every area of boston and cambridge. and none of them connect to the others. it makes no sense, yo.

* there are tons of avenues but they're never called avenues. to sound like you know what you're talking about, you have to call it "ave". massachussets avenue is "mass ave" and commonwealth avenue is "comm ave". they like to shorten things.

* i think i have more nicknames used on a regular basis here than anywhere else. cowart, texas, krispy, and my all time favorite, okra. (i really DO answer to okra now)

* harvard owns just about everything in cambridge. AND, their football stadium looks like an ivy covered roman coloseum. it's kind of creepy.

* they're pretty free with the parking tickets around these parts. i'm collecting a small pile of them. if i ignore them, will they just go away?

* scrod is the name of a fish they eat up here quite a bit. but it's a damn funny name that has given me endless hours of amusement. (it also amuses me that i just linked the word scrod to gabe's site)

* i've met more people with dredlocks here than anywhere else. strange?

random, i know. just things running through my big head. my head really is pretty big. try on my cowboy hat and you'll see for yourself.

9:57 am - 08 february 2002


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