cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


evil twins, vampires, and slayers...oh my

there's this soap opera called port charles that i can't help but watch. it comes on right after the price is right and it's only 30 minutes long. and it's, BY FAR, the most ridiculous one on tv.

(except for maybe passions which i have never seen but chris told me one time there was a room in a house on that show that was literally hell. not hellish. not hell-like. but actually HELL.)

anyways, back to port charles. i heard the best thing ever on it today. this girl's plane went down and her husband is trying to get someone to take him up in a helicopter in bad weather to find her. someone says to him that it's too dangerous. and his response is, "dangerous is being stuck in the middle of nowhere with a hungry vampire."


apparently the guy flying the plane was a vampire and the girl's husband, raif, is the SLAYER.

for those buffy fans, this might not seem strange, but for a soap opera about a sleepy new england town, it's hularious. and brilliant.

11:33 am - 20 november 2002


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