cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


not so hip, tragically.

i got mad dart skillz. i challenge everyone.

chris came in this weekend and we went straight from breakfast to the bar (logical, right?) and stayed there for over 5 hours playing lots of darts and the occasional pool game. i was the champion until stefan showed up and proved that he is a dart prodigy. thanks, stefan. the fifth time you've ever played, my ass.

then chris and i went to see the tragically hip at the somerville theater near my house. it was one of the creepiest shows we've ever been to. it was like a canadian cult with gordon downie as their leader. there were canadian hippies, canadian suburban frat boys, canadian hipsters, all FREAKING out. (rightfully so, chris and i assumed everybody but us was canadian. and that led to hours of amusement.) there were blinding lights and the crowd sang EVERY WORD to EVERY SONG very loudly. it was way more than your average 'this band rocks and everybody loves them' show. it really was creepy.

11:57 am - 29 july 2002


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