cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



things that bother me today.

  • parents who are late for their child�s appointment who feel they need to give you a detailed description of why. really? traffic in boston? never heard that one before.
  • co-workers who don�t understand the meaning of personal space. actually, ANYONE who doesn�t understand this concept.
  • inconsiderate people, period.
  • money. I hate money. mostly because I don�t have any.
  • being able to hear my neighbors blasting CREED through my living room floor.
  • the lack of air conditioning in my house.
  • getting to work and having 34 emails. all of which are spam.
  • the fact that we only have one 12-pack of shiner left.

things I like a lot today:

  • walden pond. went swimming yesterday, going today, probably tomorrow. you can be out in the middle of the pond and the water is so clear that you can still see your feet! for those of you who have grown up around Galveston where you can�t see your feet when standing in ankle deep water, this is AMAZING.
  • the cambridgeport saloon. $1.75 pabst blue ribbon, fun jukebox, 50 year old men, a great place to play darts.
  • the fact that donnie is coming to visit in a week.
  • getting home to finding new CDs waiting on your front porch.
  • getting off work at 3
  • the fact that we have 12 shiners left! yay!

gracias. muchasgracias.

*i'll probably be adding to this list during the day.

9:56 am - 31 july 2002


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