cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


selling my childhood to strangers.

so, i found a place to live and got word yesterday that my application was approved. (see? responsible.)

now that part is over and i have to start the packing part. ugh. i feel like i've been moving constantly for three years. i hate it. hopefully i'll like living in this new place and will stay for at least two years.

but the worst part is, i have SO MUCH stuff to go through. my parents moved out of my childhood home and into an RV as most of you know. they're travelling the country and couldn't be bothered with things like furniture or my childhood momentos. so they brought them to me. i now have an extra room filled with stuff that i have to weed through.

what do you do with old softball tropies? i have 5 or so. and they're not, "oooh, wow, kristy is an amazing softball player" trophies. they're participation trophies. my parents basically bought them with the registration fee. i don't want to cart them around for the rest of my life, but is it wrong to throw out a trophy with your name engraved on it?

i'm having all sorts of similar dilemmas.

one thing i do know, i'm having a garage sale before i move out. while i still have a garage. (it's really more of a carport, but whatever.)

so come by and buy some of my shit.

11:36 am - 10 june 2003


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