cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


can you even imagine a double mohawk?

i went to a hardcore punk show at emo's last night with my friend kristin from work. she was funny, she warned me, "wear something you don't mind getting lone star all over."

now, i've been to some punk shows at emo's before but i have NEVER seen this crowd. i didn't know these people still existed. it was an inside show, so there were probably about 75 people there. out of that, i counted 11 mohawks. and i'm not talking half-assed kinda sorta mohawks. i'm talking poke your eye out mohawks that took hours to make look that way. also, i didn't know there were so many ways to do mohawks. OH, there are.

this one guy had two side by side. it was amazing. i stood behind him just so i could stare at it.

we caught two of the bands, the first of which sucked. more death metal than punk. the headliners were a group from france with an androgenous girl singer. punk sung (or yelled) in french is pretty interesting.

during the french people's set, i started looking around at all the mohawk's jackets. they all had those typically punk jackets with studs all over them, handmade. sometimes spelling out things. it was all i could do to keep from asking double mohawk guy if he used a bedazzler.

lesson learned: i sometimes joke about things being "punk rock", but i had NO idea.

11:49 am - 13 october 2003


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