cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


cerrado is a bad word.

ok, so mexico.

went to mexico with joanna. it was rad.

we both just needed to get away from our lives here for a couple of days and have no real agenda and do it for as little money as possible.

and that's exactly what we did. we have some stories. one involving them closing the border while we were in mexico at 1am. we now both have a serious dislike for the word "cerrado".

fucking cerrado.

we also have a whole lot of non-stories. mostly inside jokes that came from us drinking tecate and watching a LOT of mtv reality shows in our motel room.

here are some things i learned:

  • we beat mexico. for real. we kept a tally. for every bad thing that happened, one more good thing happened. the final score? i forget, but jo and i were definitely up by one when we left.
  • orange fanta in a bottle? liquid gold, my friends.
  • everyone needs to run around saying "get awesome get awesome". do it. its funny.
  • apparently everyone but me knows a spanish dance song called "mayonesa". (yup. mayonnaise.)
  • the show "fraternity life" is MUCH BETTER than the show "sorority life". but please, no real surprise there.
  • joanna is just like joe millionaire. for reasons too lengthy to bore you with here. but believe me. JUST LIKE HIM. (the new idiot one, not the old dumb one)

the trip served its purpose, i came back to austin refreshed and ready to make some changes. also, i got to hang out with just joanna for three days. not too shabby.

9:53 pm - 28 october 2003


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