cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


glad i didn't spend a dime on my costume.

happy day after halloween.

this is what happens when you work on halloween night and go party hopping afterwards. we had about 4 parties lined up. so we head out at 1:00 am all dressed up and ready to go. we hit the first party and it's packed with people but they've run out of cups for the keg and everyone seems really young. and all the girls there used halloween as an excuse to dress super slutty. not just like french maid slutty, we're talking see through mesh body suit with only a thong slutty. how is that a costume? whatever.

we head to the next one and it had better people BUT they had just run out of booze. it was now 2:00 am, after all.

then we head out in search of this other one that we don't know much about and meg calls us from one over by lana's house. she says it's super fun and there is plenty of booze. so we head over there. BUT. everyone is getting kicked out right when we get there because someone took a machete to their lovely garden and they are pissed. rightly so.

so, in short, my evening consisted of me driving people around the city looking for parties and then getting there like 30 minutes too late every time.

my favorite part of the evening had to be driving jerel home. he was wearing only a robe (he claims his costume was a supermodel with a hangover), with a tecate between his knees and a cigarette in his mouth. we had the windows rolled down driving down south congress at 4am singing built to spill at the top of our lungs.

i honestly could have skipped all the parties and just done that all evening.

1:34 pm - 01 november 2003


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