cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



julie gives good copies. thanks for humoring me on this one, jules. i like the result.

went out for michael and kyle's one year anniversary. congratulations, boys! love you. we had lots of wine and food and i'm so glad they're in my life.

but here's a story that i told them tonight that i think needs to be told to everyone. it still baffles me.

so, my friend. let's say her name is peg. she's been dating this boy for about a month now. nothing too serious, but they do hang out a couple times a week.

they went out to eat sushi and she offered to go dutch. he refused and said that he would pay for it. fine, she said. but i'll get the tip.

she works with me at the restaurant, so she's going to tip at least 20%.

the bill was 48 dollars. she puts down two fives and goes to the bathroom.

when she comes back there is one five and two ones on the table. he took her money and pocketed it and left a smaller tip!

can you believe that shit?

when she called him on it, his response was, "she didn't do that good of a job."

doesn't matter. you DO NOT take someone elses tip money off the table while they're gone and keep it for yourself.

people are fucked up.

12:20 am - 02 december 2003


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