cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


my girls ROCK.

michael is VERY seriously positioning the lobstah for the photo. mmmm, lobstah.


my girls are coming in town! ang is coming in from north carolina and rach is coming from san fran. and julie is coming in all the way from 38th and medical arts. it's been a long time since we've all been together. over a year. since last christmas.

i need time with my girls. my sisters. even though we don't always have the same taste in things or listen to the same music or like the same kinds of guys, they're my girls. they've got my back. no matter what happens in my life, even if we haven't spoken in months, i know they'll be there for me. i'm truly lucky. and i know it.

i'm so glad all the people i love will be with me on new years. that's what new years is all about for me. it's not about getting drunk and kissing everyone at midnight. although, i'm not going to lie, that's great too. it's about being with people you care about at the beginning of a new year. if only o'connell were here, it would be absolutely perfect.

apologize for sappiness. i'm just really psyched about the coming week.

6:50 pm - 29 December 2003


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