cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


new game plan.

my new friend daniel moved from boston to austin this week. he lives here now. this is where he lives. this is him eating a delicious and tasty rib at iron works bbq. he came over to use my internet and we ended up hanging out for hours, eating bbq, copying cds, and looking for places for his girlfriend to live when she moves here next month. i'm really glad he's here.

so, ask and ye shall recieve. my new friend and i talked awhile today about my need to do something. and about my idea to try photography school. he took it upon himself to be my conscience. to get on my ass and give me deadlines. he gave me homework tonight. there are three phone calls i have to make before i go to work tomorrow. and i have to report back to him when i've completed it.

we've decided a bachelors is a better idea. i don't need a masters. i'm not qualified for any masters programs. a bachelors will be fun enough and will accomplish what i want. that's the new game plan.

and apparently daniel will make sure it happens. dammit.

(we do have a codeword that i can say if at any time i want him to stop with the nagging and the checking in. i could tell you what it is. but that wouldn't be any fun.)


** a lot of this is just brainstorming out loud, if you will. i've gotten emails saying, "really? here's why that might not be the best idea." that's what i need. feedback. constructive criticism.

9:21 pm - 15 january 2004


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