cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



day four of the cleanse. yup. no solid food for four days.

this shit messes with your head. for real.

on day two i was silly and delirious. day three i woke up bummed out which turned into the foulest mood ever when i got to work. customers were mean. i wanted to bite their heads off. literally. i wanted to eat them. and as i told michael, i'm pretty sure that being under the influence of the master cleanse is a legal excuse for murder in texas. it has to be.

today i feel fine. great, even. not even really craving food. michael even came home last night with quesadillas and queso from taco cabana and i didn't even bat an eye.

well, i batted. and smelled it. but didn't give in.

today is my last full day, i think. planning on breaking it tomorrow evening with some miso soup. although at this point i feel like i can go for a few more days. we'll see.

1:47 pm - 02 october 2005


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