cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



  • still recovering from ACL. the bands i saw were great. the sound was awesome. spirits were high despite the insane heat wave we had thanks to hurricane rita. 108 degrees in a field with hardly any shade is not my idea of a perfect day. but we perservered. until the dust bowl. right before coldplay came on, the ground was so dry and everyone was moving around at once that it kicked up a crazy dust storm. more so than any other year. i've been coughing up dust for days.
  • but both rachel and dan came in town for the weekend so it was worth it. and craig made it to the festival on friday before he left town. and michael went with me on sunday. so at least i got to hang out with some of my favorite people in the 108 degree field.
  • i'm on day two of a five day cleanse. it's supposed to be a 12 day cleanse, but let's face it. five days without solid food while working in a grocery store is a pretty good goal. i was really loopy and dizzy and a little stupid at work last night. i was seeing tracers! i wonder if it's remnants of some OLD school drugs that are being released through the cleansing process. that's crazy. i woke up with tons more energy today. wish me luck on this one.
  • loving this brief cool spell we are having. it's 78 degrees right now. for those of you in places with real seasons, this may seem normal for september. but not here. not just yet. i'm loving it.
  • have the day off. going to just hang out at the house. open some windows. clean out my closets. drink my spicy lemonade cleansing liquid. watch some cable while we still have our one free trial month that michael talked them into setting up for us. wash tons of clothes. sounds like a good day.

10:43 am - 30 september 2005


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