cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


honest words are like august 3rds.

david garza is playing in cambridge this weekend!!

for those of you who know me well, you know that this makes me INCREDIBLY giddy. at every show of his i am transported back in time to when i used to sneak out of the house in high school to see him at fitzjerald's. i get extra girly and giggly and i bounce and sing along.

david is also one of the reasons joanna and i became friends. that's reason enough to love the man.

real quick. here's one of my favorite david stories. a few months ago, right before i left austin, i saw david at the mercury with rachel and julie. it was a complete 180 from his one man acoustic shows we had been going to. this was a full on ROCK show with a girl drummer. so good.

anyways, rachel wants her cd signed, so we go up to him after the show and julie tells him that we used to go see him at fitzjerald's in houston all the time. (i'm pretty sure we've told him this multiple times over the years, but whatever).

wait, this is where it gets cute. he puts his hand to his head and says, "woah! that's a long time ago. you've seen me with all different hair[styles]!"

this only strengthened our love.

10:51 am - 01 march 2002


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