cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


my shoes have MAD traction.

upstate new york got over 52 inches of snow in the past few days. and the weatherman in boston said that with the windchill, yesterday it felt like 9 degrees. NINE.

what have i done?

i'm actually getting into the cold weather thing. when i was home in houston for christmas, my dad took me to REI and bought everything to insure that his only daughter never got too cold. we got shoes for the snow with mad traction so i would be less likely to mess up my ankle again. (i've picked up the word "mad" lately. i'm not really proud of it.) he bought me new thermals, a new hat, and "smart" wool socks. the ad has sheep wearing black rimmed glasses. that's how you know they're smart. i also got a pretty hardcore (but girlie) snowboarding jacket even though i have never done any winter sports in my life. but i'll earn some street cred soon enough.

one thing i have noticed, is that a lot of the people i have met that were born and raised in this part of the country, are wimps when it comes to winter. they're complaining about how cold they are all the time. c'mon, people. bundle up and deal.

maybe i'm just frustrated with this dumb lady i work with at my temp job. she's one of those who talks out everything she is doing while she does it. and then tells you all sorts of stuff that you don't want to know about and makes it out to be HUGE drama. you would have thought her life was ending when she told us about her rear view mirror falling off. oh my god, i don't need to know this. glue it back on.

so, anyways, dumb lady was born and raised here and tells me about every 7 minutes how cold she is. indoors. how does she ever go outdoors?

she's dumb, yo.

2:18 pm - 29 december 2001


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