cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


planes, trains, and automobiles

it took me 2 and a half hours to get home from work yesterday. TWO AND A HALF HOURS.

it was like a freaking movie. i took a bus to the red line. had to let one train go by because it was too crowded. got on the next train. went one stop. then between central and harvard, the train stopped for 40 minutes. between stops. no way to get off.

i had a pretty crappy day at work, so this doesn't even phase me. it just kind of goes along with everything else that happened that day. no big deal, i'll get off at harvard and take the 77 bus down mass ave to my house. it'll actually be nice, it drops me off right at the end of my street.

right then, the train conductor comes on the intercom and says something like "train delayed, blah blah blah, reccomend you take 77 bus"

ugh! so now the entire crowded train has the same idea i do. when we finally pull into harvard, i get off, go to the bus pick up area to find enough people waiting to fill five buses. only one bus came. i gave up on that idea.

i got a smoothie in the T station (the cart at harvard has the best mango banana smoothies) and headed up into the square. i was just going to hang out, drink my smoothie and figure out how to get home.

i ran into my friends christian and amy who were headed into the T station. i told them not to try it, and we decided to split a cab back to davis square.

of course there were no cabs at the cab stand, apparently others had the same idea. we finally got one, and miraculously made it safely back to davis square (boston cab drivers are crazy, yo). amy went one way to her house, christian and i walked the 12 minutes the other way to our houses.

to sum up. i took a bus, a train, a cab, and then walked to get home from work.

i'm not a big fan of the commuting thing.

when i got home, i went immediately to the fridge and cracked open a cold shiner. coach came through and brought me FOUR 12-packs last weekend. ahhh yeah.

this is totally off subject, but as much as i complain about this job, it has some perks. this morning one of my favorite kids in the hospital told his mom in front of me that i was his bestest friend. hee hee. i love that part of the job.

9:50 am - 25 june 2002


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