cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


hot, yo

it's HOT.

i know, i know. not texas hot. but the past two days have been worse than most days spent in texas.

mostly because there is no relief. i walk a lot during my day. and then when i get to my final destination, it's not a cool 74 degrees inside. there's no a/c in the hospital STILL. not until july 1st. i have a huge box fan blowing on the front desk.

my house is the worst, though. no a/c at all. the coolest place is the kitchen, it has a ceiling fan and you can sit on the tile floor. the cats have set up camp here for the past week.

my room is in the attic. there's definitely no relief up there. i avoid going up there until the very last moment before i go to sleep. i'm actually thinking of sleeping on the couch tonight. the living room is a little cooler.

but oh well, a few days of sticky heat is a small price to pay for those amazing days in between.

9:51 am - 27 june 2002


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