cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


fabio, take me away.

i saw a man on the T this morning reading a trashy romance novel. he was very distinguished looking, suit, shiny shoes, trench coat, briefcase. reading a paperback novel with everybody's hero, fabio, on the the cover. fabio was carrying a pouty redhead who looked like she had just passed out from some disastrous event (fire, flood, sex) and he was about to bring her back to life with a kiss.

what was fantastic was that the man wasn't even trying to hide the book. he was just like, yup, i'm on my way to my cushy job in downtown boston and i'm reading a trashy book. it made my morning.

also, i went snowboarding for the first time this weekend. i'm not quite to pro level yet. i am, in fact, FAR from it. but i had a great time. i'm a little banged and bruised up today. makes me feel hardcore. heh.

11:24 am - 28 january 2002


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