cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


what's in those scooby snacks?

one perk of my job is that i get to watch cartoons on the t.v. in the waiting room while i work.

my question is this. what is up with the versions of my favorite cartoons where all the characters are tiny kids? there's the flintstones kids and the scooby doo kids where shaggy is about eight years old and already fiending for those scooby snacks. he got hooked early.

i'm not a big fan of this. i mean the kids are cute and all. but it's kinda like how on a perfectly good sitcom like the cosby show (there was a brief period when i REALLY wanted to be a huxtable) or growing pains where the kids have grown up so they feel they need to have an "unexpected" pregnancy or adopt or something to get a cute young thing around the house again.

except in this case, the characters never grew up because they are CARTOONS. so what's it all about?

then i keep thinking about how brilliant the muppet babies were. but it was different because the story lines had to do with them being little and super imaginative. shaggy and fred and thelma are catching the same ghosts, just in smaller bodies.

does this bother anyone else but me?

1:34 pm - 23 january 2002


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