cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


but for now, it sounds like heaven.

taking a break from packing the uhaul.

i hate uhaul. i think i already made this clear on my way up to boston. but turns out, they suck everywhere.

i had a mild nervous breakdown this morning in the uhaul place and i think i scared the poop out of the guy working the counter. he should be scared, i was pissed at him. the trailer was already hooked up to my car and my check card was denied. not his fault. i asked to use his phone to make a collect call to my parents to figure out what to do, and he wouldn't let me. my cell phone had died. he tells me to walk to the grocery store nearby.

WHAT?? you have a 20 line phone right there and you're going to make me walk in the rain to use a payphone?

i've been going through that weird emotional stuff you go through when you leave a place, and this just put me over the top. i walked to the grocery store and just kind of lost it on the way. blue eyes crying in the rain. i was a willie nelson song!

when i get to the grocery store, i remember that i don't know my parent's number by heart anymore. they recently moved out of my childhood home and just have cell phones now. my phone is dead and won't stay on even for a second to find the number. ugh. technology.

so then i go back to the uhaul place, have them unhook the trailer, and go home to call my dad.

christie was up when i get home and offered to help me out in a HUGE way by putting it on her credit card so i can go ahead and get the trailer. dude, my roommates are AMAZING.

now the weird half empty house thing is in full effect. and my bed is all packed so i'm sleeping on the couch the next two nights. it's not your house anymore when you don't have your bed.

george is leaving for montreal tomorrow. we've all gotten used to having him around. if we were to have a fourth roommate, he would work out perfectly.

i'm looking forward to the road trip with my dad, when all there is to do is drive and eat pizza in the motel and watch cable. sounds like heaven.

7:05 pm - 23 september 2002


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