cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


klutzy mcklutz

hi. sorry. i'm still here. don't give up on me, baby.

just been crazy busy. i won't bore you with too much work talk but i will tell you that i have become the klutz of the restaurant. it's great.

still haven't dropped a tray (knock on wood) but the other morning i spilled 6 buckets of salad dressing all at one time. there was dressing EVERYWHERE in the kitchen. and all over me. it was awesome.

then last night, i burned my hand really bad on a dessert just out of the microwave. i started to drop it and decided to try and catch it but instead my hand ended up IN it. and now i have gross blisters on my fingers.

i'm a mess.

BUT! o'connell and amy come in town from boston tomorrow and i have two whole days off in a row so we can hang out. and we're going to see willie nelson at the backyard. sheeit, ain't much better than that.

4:54 pm - 25 march 2003


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