cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


i'm from texas. we carry knives.

i almost caused a national security problem this weekend.

for my THIRD trip this month (jetsettah, yo) i flew to houston from boston through the now infamous logan airport.

as many of you know, i have a large swiss army knife that i bought in switzerland 4 years ago. it's one of my favorite possessions. i keep it on my keychain. i've used it for everything, to spread cheese, cut bread, fix my sunglasses and headphones, cut tags of clothes, tighten tiny screws. it's amazing.

i always take if off my keychain before i fly. even before all the heightened security. but i've been flying so much lately, and i was running late for my flight, and i just forgot. honest mistake.

so, i get to logan, go through security, no problem. get to my gate, go to board the plane and get pulled aside for the "random" search. random, my ass. i ALWAYS get the random search. so the lady searches my bag and pulls out my keys. we both gasp when we see the knife.

she takes it off the keychain, calls over the lady at the gate, all the while talking in whispers. trying to keep it on the down low. they ask me which security checkpoint i went through and call the head guy over there to come to my gate. he comes over, pulls me aside, and says:

"is there a reason you're carrying that knife?"

me: "um. it's my knife. it's on my keychain. i always carry it. i forgot to take it off my keychain today."

him: "you need to carry a knife that BIG?"

me: (my attempt at humor) "sir, i'm from texas. we carry knives."

him: blank stare. he did NOT find this amusing.

him: "why would you bring that here? especially to logan. you know they're totally watching us."

here he's obviously trying to cover his ass because i passed through his security check point and his job is on the line.

him: puts my knife in his pocket and says, "you know you're not getting this back."

me: "so i hear."

him: "get on the plane."

RUDE. i made an honest mistake. you're the one who royally screwed up. own up to it. don't take it out on me.

i'm really upset about losing my knife. they told me it had to go to the police. they couldn't hold it for me for when i got back to boston.

that makes me sad.

10:34 am - 20 may 2002


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