cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


i like to make lists.

tuesday afternoon observations.

  • it's raining! and i couldn't be happier about it. now if it would just get cold. i have a closet full of jackets i would like to wear, please. thank you.
  • peanut butter toast is one of the best things in the world. you gotta put the peanut butter on when the toast is still hot, so it gets all melty. mmmmelty.
  • i am not good at pool. on good nights i can hold my own. but i hardly ever win. i like to win. i played with george and melody last night and i lost every game. darts? bowling? pop up video board game? i'll kick your ass. but pool? not so much.

  • george put up some of his pictures from his trip to boston here. don't believe the shit about the monkey naming thing. i am not a monkey killer.
  • saw the wilco documentary last night. and it's official. i love jeff tweedy. he's all disheveled and talented and adorable with his kids.

2:34 pm - 08 october 2002


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