cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



julie and i had this conversation today a few hours before her acting class. she had to do a post-coital scene as a british tart.

jlkrippel: I'm going to write a book

jlkrippel: titled

jlkrippel: Julie and her Nerves

jlkrippel: how it led to her catastrophic downfall

jlkrippel: my nerves are like little people

jlkrippel: they have hateful minds of their own

thekristycowart: tiny people

jlkrippel: I imagine they are little worms

thekristycowart: ewwww

jlkrippel: chewing away at my stomach lining

thekristycowart: not a fan of worms

thekristycowart: um, julie you need help

jlkrippel: um, is anyone?

jlkrippel: help me help me

jlkrippel: that is what the nerves say

thekristycowart: hahahaha

thekristycowart: the little worms take breaks from eating the lining of your stomach to ask for help?

thekristycowart: that's amazing

jlkrippel: some of them

jlkrippel: you know

jlkrippel: teamwork

jlkrippel: some shout

thekristycowart: right

jlkrippel: some make my heart palpitate

jlkrippel: and suck the saliva out of my mouth

jlkrippel: they are mean, nasty little things

jlkrippel: I want them all dead.

thekristycowart: i do, too.

thekristycowart: please kill them.

jlkrippel: I try

jlkrippel: but I am no match

jlkrippel: there are too many of them.

thekristycowart: no match for the nerveworms.

jlkrippel: indeed.

6:04 pm - 05 august 2002


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