cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


my window has been open for a month.

here is an entry entitled, "one of the things i love about spring/summer in boston." by me.

i sat out on my front stoop last night for two hours just hanging out. my house is in the middle of a VERY long street with no cross streets. so it's pretty quiet. you just hear the sounds of your neighbors.

what's so great about spring and summer up here is that hardly anyone has A/C so everyone has their windows open all the time. you can hear everything.

last night, during the two hour span, i just sat and listened. my next door neighbors washing dishes in their kitchen. the kids across the street practicing their clarinets. one of my downstairs neighbors having a phone conversation in some other language. mike d down the street playing a carnival-ish song on his keyboard. they were having some sort of christian revival complete with a tambourine in the white house diagonal from me.

it's kind of like when my dad and i used to go for walks after dark and check out people's houses. not in a peeping tom sort of way. just like, "oooh, look at their living room. check out that painting." that sort of thing.

but it's a little more intimate when you can actually hear conversations being had. it makes you feel like you know them.

it also makes me think twice about what i watch on tv sometimes. do i want the whole street to know that i am sitting at home friday night watching TGIF? I don't even want to admit that i'm watching it. so there's another good thing about it, it saves me from watching horrible tv. heh.

yay for open windows.

12:32 pm - 29 may 2002


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