cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


i heart summer

i love summer. i don't so much love the heat of texas summers but i do love that it means finding any way you can to stay cool. mostly swimming at barton springs or deep eddy. drinking ice cold beer. eating sno cones.

today i went canoeing on lake austin. you start right by barton springs pool and go down barton creek until it opens up onto lake austin. the barton creek part was really cool. you totally forget you're in the middle of a city. we saw a million turtles and were almost attacked by three geese. they're MUCH bigger than they look from the shore. i'm not gonna lie, i was kind of freaking out on the inside. (i had a five year old with me so i couldn't let him know i was freaked out. he thought it was the coolest thing.)

it's also nice to have a friend who has days off like i do. meg is new to the city so she's all into exploring and doing fun stuff. stuff that i don't think about anymore. so it's fun, it's like it's all new again. we've made a pact to do something new every week. go to a new swimming hole, check out an art opening, go see a new band, something.

yay for summer!

3:56 pm - 29 may 2003


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