cowbellz's Diaryland Diary



i'm SO ready for fall. i'll miss all the swimming and my tan but i'm ready for hoodies and sweaters and hats.

NOW, please.

word on the street is that there is supposed to be a brief cold snap coming to austin tomorrow. with lows in the 50s.

this is exciting, people.

i'm at lana's right now visiting her sister's new kitten, matteo. he's adorable and tiny and has a HUGE cold. he has to breathe through his mouth and he sneezes every minute or so. it's ok, kitten snot is kind of cute.

it's my day off and i'm trying to spend it productively. but so far, i woke up, watched MASH, came to lana's and ate lunch. the end.

i'll probably end up going to the bank, to the gym, and going back home to clean my room or something.

wait, i guess that's kind of productive, right?

i'm rambling.

i'm really just writing today for jesse, who is upset that i neglect my public all too often. (whatever, at least i don't iron my pillowcases)

ALSO: what is up with flakey people? people (read: boys) are flaking out all over the damn place. flaking out on me, on jesse, on lana. did the recent full moon have anything to do with it? or is it just that these particular boys are sucky and flakey?

ugh. i've said it before and i'll say it again. flakiness is such an unattractive quality. don't do it, people. or ask lana and jesse, i WILL hunt you down and hurt you. i've been kind of aggro about the whole thing lately. i want to kick some flakey ass.

is this entry annoying anyone else but me?

2:14 pm - 30 september 2004


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