cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


sxsw day three

i have a secret. i love sxsw and never want it to end. shhhh. don't tell.

yesterday was another rock filled day. it started with a trip to the salt lick to introduce the visitors from brooklyn to texas bbq.

then off downtown to meet megan and lana to catch some free day shows. it was HOT. and muggy and gross. i drug the girls into the dark flamingo cantina to see my new favorite live texas band, the riverboat gamblers. oh my god, they were so good. the way rock and roll should be. the singer climbed on anything that could be climbed on. definitely the most entertaining show i've seen in a long time.

i left a fan. i'm going to try to see them again tonight at emo's.

after a couple of uneventful shows, we went for food and the best vietnamese coffee at cong ly where we continued to plan our rockin' girl band that has been in the works for a couple of months now. after watching the drummer at the gamblers show, i decided i don't have what it takes. i'm going to stick to bass. (i don't know how to play this either. hush.)

but problem solved. after her chopsticks performance, we decided that megan is SO the drummer.

after the girls hammed it up for the camera, we split up to rest for a bit and made plans to meet back up later that night.

i go home, get out of the shower, and get a call about a rumored pixies reunion show at 9 at stubb's. there has been talk about this all weekend and i figured i would be SO pissed off if it was true and i didn't even try to get to it.

so i run around and get ready in record time and dan and i head down there.

turns out it wasn't true. oh well.

after an unsuccessful attempt to get into emo's to see david cross, we caught part of some british band down the street. nothing too exciting.

then we headed back to stubb's for broken social scene. here's what i like to call my tourist picture. dan and i were going to take a self portrait at the show and some guy took over and offered to take it for us. kind of defeats the purpose but ok. this one cracks me up. hey everybody, look at us! we're at a rock show.

after trying to get in to see the fiery furnaces but being told by the door guy there wasn't a chance, dan and steve left for another venue and i met up with megan and lana.

i drug them to see the moving units at elysium and they loved it. we danced and got drunk and had the best time.

then we headed to a party at some warehouse on the east side. we walk in to find the walkmen onstage. which is great because i missed their show the night before.

we caught the last four songs or so and ran into tons of people.

hey look there's megan watching the walkmen with britt daniel not far behind. he's everywhere i go. really. everywhere.

tonight is the last real night of sxsw and i don't want my vacation to end just yet.

11:49 am - 20 march 2004


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