cowbellz's Diaryland Diary


party for no reason.

this weekend my friends lana and megan and i threw a party for no reason. nobody's birthday. just for the hell of it.

it turned out pretty good, i think. a slightly crazy mix of folks, lots of dancin', three visits from the cops, and a hell of a lot of drinking.

i think i might still be a little drunk. it's possible.

here are some pics. these by no means give a representation of the people who were there or what was going on, they're just the ones i liked the best when i looked at them the next day.

hopefully someday i'll figure out how to put up a directory thing where you can browse through all of the pics from a certain event whenever you want. julie sure will be happy if that ever happens.

steve smoking.

audrey. this girl can party. she cracks me up.

a different steve. work steve. steve who doused me with the red wine at work the other day. he couldn't understand the concept of "stay still" so we have a whole series of me in focus and him being all crazy. they're pretty great, though.

steve finally got it and stayed still for a minute. he looks all sweet and innocent here.

megan VERY seriously playing air guitar. i wish i could remember what song was on.

ruben and another megan. i know, it's hard to keep it straight.

i don't know who this guy is. but i do remember him telling me he was from canada and he was dressed like a cowboy. so, logically, he will forever be known to me as canadian cowboy.

i DO remember telling him that i was scared of canadians. wow, that's embarrassing. (i'm not really, naddine. not too much.)

maria, me, and kristin. late in the evening.

megan again.

the fire was nice. all the clothes i wore smell like camping.

thanks to all who came out to make the party for no reason a success. at least i think it was a success. i don't really know. i had fun.

and thanks to those who contributed to the lana ticket fund. we managed to cover the cost of the $200 ticket by combining the donations with the keg donations. you guys rock.

12:22 am - 19 january 2004


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